Thursday, February 5, 2009

Nick's Latest Blog...Superbowl Post!

posted 1:01pm on Mon Feb 2nd, 2009

Hey everybody! I hope you all are well.I just got back from the Super Bowl and it was an awesome weekend. As some ofyou may know, I started a charity golf tournament with 3 time defending NASCARchampion Jimmie Johnson at last year’s Super Bowl in Phoenix and we held our 2ndannual tournament this year in Tampa. Once again, it was a great success! Ihave to thank all of the celebrities and athletes who lent their time to helpus out. We were able to raise over $200,000 for a variety of great charities ina time when they most need it. In addition to the golf tournament, we also helda party on Friday night which was a great time. You all can view some of thepictures online and get a feel for what it was like.

Ithink the real high light of the weekend though was the game itself. Man, whata great Super Bowl that was. When my friend Matt Leinart was drafted by theArizona Cardinals, I became a fan of the team, so I was a bit disappointed thatthey lost, but they still played their hearts out. You have to give credit toPittsburgh for winning their 6th Super Bowl. Hopefully at this timenext year, I’ll be celebrating a Cincinnati Bengals win in the big game.

Well,I know it’s been a long time coming, but my first single is finally coming outon radio. For those of you who don’t know, the song is called “Patience”. It’sa remake of a great song done by the group Take That. I heard the song and fellin love with it and felt like it was a great song to remake in my own way. Forthose of you who have heard it, I hope you liked it. For those of you whohaven’t yet, check it out. You can find it on iTunes. Now, this is where I haveto lean on all of you out there. I need you to request “patience” until theradio stations tell you to not call anymore. This is a very important part ofthe process when you’re putting out a new album and it makes a huge difference.My fate lies in your hands! My fans have always supported me and the projects Ihave been a part of and I know this time will not be any different. I NEED YOU!So, wherever you live, call your local radio station and request it. If theytell you they’re not playing it yet, keep calling! Thanks guys!

Lastly,I know we’re all aware of how bad the economy is in our country right now andit doesn’t seem as if it’s going to get much better anytime soon. We all haveto keep our heads up and continue to support one another. Some of you may knowthat I have been a part of a group called Feeding America. They are the largestgroup in the country responsible for supplying and maintaining food banksacross the country. What they do have never been more needed and more importantthan it is right now. If any of you are inclined to help, it is a great thingto be a part of. You can always get more info on

Untilnext time, everyone stay safe and be well! Talk to you soon!

Nick Lachey