Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jennifer Love Hewitt Not Feeling the Love From Loose-Lipped Ex


As of late, it must be hard for Jennifer Love Hewitt to keep up her perpetually bubbly persona. After the actress recently ended her relationship with fiance Ross McCall, the media went crazy with reports that Hewitt was needy and clingy and drove her man away.

Now, another ex of Hewitt's has come forward to dish on their past relationship and to jump on the "Jennifer Love Hewitt Sucks" bandwagon. It should be noted that the ex in question is a former member of boyband LFO, so this guy would have likely jumped at any opportunity in the world to get back in the spotlight...

Speaking on Howard Stern's show, former LFO front man Rich Cronin revealed that Hewitt cheated on him with 98 Degrees singer Jeff Timmons. Who knew that back in the day, Jennifer Love Hewitt was organizing a boyband tour of her very her pants. (Sorry, but we had to do it.)

Cronin revealed to Stern (and the world), that Timmons said to him, "'Hey, you and me have something in common... Jennifer Love Hewitt." Cronin continued, "I had always asked her about that. 'Did you ever get with this guy?' [And she was like,] 'No, no, no.' So when that happened, I was lost."

As for how their break-up went down, Cronin claims it went something like this: "She was in New York doing a movie, and I get a phone call from someone at my record company. They go, 'Rich, get Us Weekly. It just came out'. [I'm thinking] maybe there is something cool about me. No, it was a f–cking thing about Jennifer Love Hewitt in New York City... with seven guys...I was on the bed having a panic attack, so I called her up and was like, 'Do you have something to say to me?' I was the girl in this relationship. And she goes, 'Listen, don't you f–king call me up like this when I am at work. If you believe that bulls–t, shame on you.' She hung up."And then, sounding very unlike the cutesy Hewitt we see in front of the cameras, Cornin claims she added, "I am out of this relationship. Goodbye, I have to go do 'The Tonight Show.'" Hewitt then "hung up the phone. And that was it."

Stay tuned for Freddy Prinze Jr. to come forward to tell the world how when they did "I Know What You Did Last Summer" Hewitt ate all the Oreos and Cheezits that craft services provided.