Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lachey bringing 'Choirs' prize home


The long anticipated “thank you” concert by Team Cincinnati from NBC’s “Clash of the Choirs” will be 6 p.m. March 30 at Crossroads church in Oakley.

Choir director Nick Lachey will present the $250,000 check won by his singers on the TV show to Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

However, Lachey will neither sing nor direct the choir, says Amy Caruso, hospital spokeswoman.

All but three of the 20 singers will perform, says Ellen Schnier, 25, a choir member from North College Hill.

“We’re so happy to be able to finally do this. We’ve been talking about this concert since we got back from New York on Dec. 22,” Schnier says. “We particularly wanted to show our appreciation to Children’s Hospital, the city and everyone who voted for us.”

Viewers voted Cincinnati No. 1 on the four-night live TV show over choirs from Philadelphia, Houston, Oklahoma City and New Haven, Conn.

Only 3,200 tickets are available for the Crossroads show, Caruso says.

General admission tickets are $10 each, with children under 2 free. Tickets may be ordered at, or by calling 513-221-5437.

Tickets purchased online must be picked up after 4:30 p.m. March 30 at Crossroads, 3500 Madison Road.

Choir member Kenny Smith, and his Peace & Serenity gospel choir, also will perform at the event. Concert proceeds will benefit the same two hospital divisions which will receive the “Clash” prize money – the transport team and the Regional Center for Newborn Intensive Care.