Updated Oct. 23, 2017: Nick Lachey lasted until week six on Dancing with the Stars, but being in the bottom for the third time one was one time too many, and he, along with his professional partner Peta Murgatroyd, was eliminated on Monday night’s show.
“I feel good,” he told reporters on the red carpet after getting the new news. “Obviously, no one wants to go home. That’s human nature. You’d love to still be in it, but I’m very, very proud of the effort. I’m very proud of the journey and I have no regrets at all about my decision to do the show. We worked as hard as possible and you just have to accept the results.”
Now that DWTS is behind him, Nick sees the silver lining as having time to be a dad again and take his kids to school.
“Honestly, the toughest part of the show has been having two parents be so busy with the show,” he added. “In a perfect world, we’d still be going but, it’s the nature of the beast. I went into this thing knowing I wasn’t a good dancer and knowing it was going to be an uphill climb, and I am very, very proud that we gave it our all and got to this point.”
Even so, Nick will return to the ballroom next week to cheer on his wife Vanessa Lachey. In fact, he jokes that they have already cleared space for the mirror-ball trophy.
“So even though I didn’t bring it home, there is still hope for the Lachey household,” he says. “That or we have to borrow Drew’s. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Originally posted October 16, 2017: Nick Lachey Talks Dancing with the Stars and the new 98 Degrees Album and Tour
For years, Nick Lachey insisted he would never take part in Dancing with the Stars. After all, not only had his brother Drew Lachey done so, but he had taken home the Season 2 mirror-ball trophy in February 2006.
So even though he might have felt a slight temptation to engage in a little sibling rivalry, Nick, who suspected he didn’t have dancing in his DNA — he claims that 98 Degrees is the one boy band without a lot of moves, had always turned down the offers to put on his dancing shoes.
Flash forward to 2017, and Nick finally said yes, and, not surprising, he has learned what he always anticipated: It’s harder than it looks!
“I certainly didn’t go into it thinking it was going to be easy, but I think what’s been harder for me, and I didn’t expect it, is the mental fatigue of it,” he tells in this exclusive interview. “Just the having to hit the reset button every week and start from scratch, learning a whole new dance with a whole new set of moves, and then balancing that with things in general in your life and our three kids, it definitely is exhausting, but in a good way.”
The fact that his wife Vanessa Lachey is participating in the dance contest at the same time, makes it even more difficult to juggle things at home, but Nick says the experience has been educational and he has no regrets, despite the fact that he has finished in the bottom two twice now.
“It’s not a fun place to be,” he admits. “I’m not going to lie to you, but all I can do is try not to focus on the results as much as I focus on the process, and hope that that yields good results.”
If Nick is eliminated in the next few weeks — obviously, not something he is hoping for so he wants people to keep voting for him — but it would give him more time to focus on 98 Degree’s upcoming 31-city holiday tour, kicking off Nov. 9 and running through Dec. 23, on which the quartet will perform songs from their new Christmas album, Let it Snow, out on Oct. 20, featuring the group’s signature R&B-tinged, four-part harmonies on several classic Christmas songs and one original, and the band’s 1999 platinum holiday record This Christmas.
For more scoop on Dancing with the Stars, the tour, and the new Christmas album, read the rest of the interview with Nick below:
Did Drew give you any tips before you started?
Heck no. He didn’t tell me anything. I was hoping he was going to give me the secrets to the safe, but no, he kept that all close to the vest. He basically just said, your experience is going to be different than mine was and different than anyone else is going to have, so you’re going to have to find your own path, if that makes any sense. The one thing that he did say was just have fun. It’s meant to be fun. Enjoy yourself.
He knows that I’m not a great dancer. I’m not crazy about dancing, which is one of the reasons I wanted to do the show to get that down. So he said just go out there and have fun. That’s what I’ve tried to do. Go out there every week and have a good time, and at the same time work as hard as I can and see where that gets me.
What kind of teacher is your professional partner Peta Murgatroyd?
First and foremost, Peta’s very patient. I’m sure I’m not the easiest pupil she’s ever had, but she’s great. We have a lot of fun together. She’s awesome to be around, and there’s a lot of respect there both ways. Thankfully for me she’s kind of got a similar mindset: Let’s go out there and have fun and enjoy the process and hope there will be a good result. So, it’s been a lot of fun to be paired with her.
How do you prepare for the possibility of being eliminated, or do you not even think about it?
All I want to be able to do at the end off this is look back and say, “Hey, I gave it everything I had, I worked as hard as I possibly could, and I tried as hard as I possibly could.” You have to live with whatever those results are. So I try not to think about that part of it, and so if it were to come to an end this week, that would be sad because I am enjoying myself, but at the same time, it’s how I did it.
I didn’t do it to win it necessarily. I did it to experience something that I knew would be challenging, that I knew would take me out of my comfort zone, and that’s definitely been the case. I believe you get the best out of yourself and life when you force yourself to step out of your comfort zone, and that’s what this show’s been for me.
If Vanessa wins, are you okay if a different Lachey brings home the trophy?
One hundred percent. We love each other very much and support each other very much and, certainly as competitors there’s a part of you that wants to win, but if it can’t be you, the next best thing is your spouse doing it, especially as we go through this process together we recognize and appreciate how hard each other is working. Clearly only one of us can win. Hopefully, one of us does win and I’d be thrilled if it was her. It’d be awesome to see her hoist that mirror ball trophy one day.

This is the 20 year anniversary of 98 Degrees. Looking back, what does that mean to you?
I think first and foremost, we’re just grateful that we’re still able to be relevant, and grateful we’re still able to have a career in this business 20 years later. So, that’s certainly a tribute to our fans and those people who have supported us all these years. I’m really proud of four kids from Ohio that moved to LA to try to live a dream, and were lucky enough and worked hard enough to make that dream a reality, and then we still get to do it all these years later, so very proud and very appreciative.
Let it Snow is your second Christmas album. How did you pick the songs?
It’s a collaborative effort. All of us would throw out suggestions, and you can imagine the opinions, “Oh, I hate that song,.” So basically, by process of elimination, you whittle it down into what resembles a song list, and go from there. Everything we’ve done as a group has always been a collaborative effort and we’ve always come up with the majority rules scenarios. So, the four of us, along with our producer on the record, Adam Anders, just threw out the song ideas and we narrowed it down.
Twenty years ago when you started out, none of you had kids, and now you have three kids, Drew has two, Jeff Timmons has five. How do you manage to go on tour?
When we went out for the first time, a few years back with New Kids On The Block and Boys II Men, I brought my family out for the first part of the tour, and Drew brought his family out for the second part of the tour. And it sounds, I think, a lot sexier than it really is in practice.
Obviously, you want to be with your family and your kids, but you’re on a tour bus all day and then when you’re not on the tour bus, you’re taking baths in locker rooms in arenas, and it’s just not a great life for kids. And for us, you get off stage at night after doing the show and you’re tired, and you keep it quiet on the bus with your kids asleep, and then you wake up at six the next morning when the kids wake up.
So, obviously, what I think the best thing to do is for us to go out and do what we do, do our shows, and then take a day or two off, and fly home, see the family for a couple days, then go right back out on the road and start it all over again. So, last summer when we toured, we did it that way and it seemed to work a lot better.
With two Christmas albums to your credit, it sounds as if you like Christmas. Do you have a favorite holiday tradition?
One of our biggest traditions, and one that Vanessa and I started and it’s not necessarily a unique one, but the day after Thanksgiving, we’re big Thanksgiving people, so we love to go all in on Thanksgiving, but the day after, we get right into Christmas mode. We get in the garage, get the decorations out, put the tree up. We spend Black Friday, if you will, watching football, eating leftover Thanksgiving food, and decorating for Christmas, and that gets us right into the Christmas season because we do love Christmas and love celebrating it for as long as we can
When you look back at your career, what are you most proud of?
I think the many different chapters that I’ve been able to enjoy in my career, and the different unique opportunities I’ve had. Whether it was starting out as a singer, and then moving into what was reality TV for a while, and then hosting, being a solo artist, and then a group artist again, and doing a little acting, I feel like I’ve been able to experience and try so many different things and have success in different areas. I think that for me what I’m most proud of is the fact that I’m still able to work in this business, which I’m very thankful for, and the many different ways I have been able to work in this business. We’re very blessed by that.
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