After we posted Nick Lachey's appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live this week, we got an e-mail from Kristin P., a fan that flew all the way from the East coast to see the sexy crooner on the show.
"I was actually at the show in the Green Room and it was makeup that made him look orange, in person he is the hottest man alive and the most sincere and genuinely nice guy I have ever met," Kristin wrote.
Nick opted not to go into the Green Room, and instead went straight from makeup to the stage with Kimmel. It doesn't surprise us that the orange tint was a result of on-set makeup...are those the same people that pluck Jimmy's eyebrows into endangered status?
Kristin and her sister Alexis got the chance to talk to Nick Lachey after the show. "He was just a total doll," Kristen says. "Vanessa [Minnillo] is a lucky girl, I hope she realizes that...He was just a totally nice guy, it made my day!"
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