My most luxurious getaway was...
Four days on Necker Island for the wedding would probably qualify for that.
Most decadent meal I've ever had...
It would have to be a lobster, surf-and-turf kind of deal at some point. But it's always the wine that makes it more expensive. I love Silver Oak wine, so a nice bottle of Silver Oak with a fat steak and lobster tail -- that's a good meal.
Most expensive suit I've ever borrowed...
I have no clue, but I can say my wedding tux cost like $2,000. And I might wear it again. Vanessa can't wear her dress again, but I could wear my tux.
My biggest guilty pleasure is...
Miller Lite.
One item of clothing I can't live without...
I have a pair of ratty old True Religion jeans that are well worn in. They really should have been retired a year ago and I still wear them. There's nothing better than a really comfortable pair of worn-in jeans.
My friends teas me about...
What don't they tease me about? But they do say I worry too much.
One superpower I would like to have is...
I would love to be able to fly. I can imagine how cool would be to just be able to leave the ground and go wherever you wanted whenever you wanted.
The biggest risk I ever took...
I guess it was skydiving. It was pretty risky and I didn't dislike it, but it's not the kind of thing I'd rush to sign up for again. I'm glad I did it, but I think I'm good after doing it once.
My favorite designer is...
I like a lot of John Varvatos' stuff, so I'd have to say he's probably my favorite right now.
My pet peeve is...
I hate it when you're in a line -- like at the airport or in security -- and someone is right up on your a--. It's like, do you think you're going to get there any faster by being on top of me? It drives me nuts.
The funniest thing that has ever happened to me at work was...
Slipping and falling on stage. That's always embarrassing. During the summer we would play a lot of outdoor arenas. There'd be dew on the stage, or it would rain, and before you knew it you'd be doing the moves and your legs would be out from under you. All you can do is laugh. But I never collided with any of the other guys -- I always managed to take myself out.
My worst haircut was...
I had the "butt cut" with the middle part in the early days of the band. I had a couple of bad hair moments when I was in 98°, but that was probably the worst one.
My first kiss was...
It was truth or dare in the seventh grade, with Jenny Watson, who was in my English class. I'm not in touch with her anymore!
My craziest fan interaction...
It's always when somebody manages to get on the stage during the middle of a concert. All of a sudden there's somebody there and you have to keep singing and put your arm around them -- it's awkward and you never know what to do. Security!
One thing I find sexy in the opposite sex is...
Humble confidence. I like a woman who is confident, but not arrogant. So security and confidence in herself is very sexy.
The one thing I never leave home without...
My BlackBerry, sad to say, and also my wedding ring. I can't leave home without that because that's how rumors start.
My favorite cocktail is...
I'm a beer guy, Miller Lite, but I'm kind of like an elderly English woman, too: I like gin and tonics.
The most flights I've taken in a day and to where is...
One time, I had to go from Japan to Treeport in Idaho and from there to New York to sing at the U.S. Open.
Be sure to catch The Sing Off on NBC on Mondays at 8 p.m. ET!
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