As always this is not mine & was not written by me, But a great article written by someone that was there that day. Please go HERE Thanxs to ANSCI for such a well written Blog!!
Tuesday March 10, 2009
So here we are on President's Day with Nick Lachey! Yes, that Nick Lachey. The one that was married to the girl that didn't know what rigamortis meant or even how to pronounce it.
Our good friend Tommy McFly was going to interview Nick Lachey and was kind enough to call me and ask me to cover the event; I know, I am not sure what he was thinking either, but I went with it.
I was thrilled that he thought of me and I said yes immediately. That was until I realized when he said 8 o'clock Monday, he meant 8AM Monday morning. By the way, that is 'camera ready 8AM,' which is entirely different from 'work 8AM'.
All of you men have had girlfriends before, you know that there is a huge difference from how we get dressed for work on a Monday morning versus how long it takes us to get dressed for Saturday night. I am not sure where the time goes, I just know it's gone and my hair still never looks quite right.
Any who, Monday morning I scooped my girlfriend Wales and we headed to the Hard Rock to see Tommy McFly and to meet Nick Lachey.Nick and his guitarist.
Not only was I stunned at the fact that I was up at 8AM and at a night club at that hour(found a great parking space at that time), but I was really thrown asunder at the gaggle of screaming girls waiting for Nick Lachey outside the bar. I know he was in 98degrees and all and was married to that girl that thought that $1200 sheets were a bargain, but I didn't realize that there was a traveling fan club.
There is. And they have a name, Wow, I have loved many men in my day, none of which I have loved while standing in a tee shirt with his face plastered on said tee shirt in 20 degree weather, with no coat in sight and a poster board affirming said love of whom is plastered on tee shirt. Sigh, I guess I will never know love. Ohh well, at least I will be warm.
Gaggle of girls and Nick.
I mean these girls knew their shit. At one point in the interview, Nick even referred one of the questions to the girls of to answer. Wow. I mean, Wow. I don't even care about my own life enough to know everything about me, can you imagine wanting to know that much about someone else? I kinda wish I cared that much. Ohh well, at least I am warm.
Here's Tommy during the broadcast.
As soon as Nick walked in the cameras and flashes bulbs were all over him.
(Can I say Nick? Or does it have to be Mr. Lachey? You know what? The guy was a tremendously cool guy, very much laid back and very much a guy's guy. I'm going with Nick. )
I can't imagine having to live my life with cameras and flashes constantly going on around me. I mean the second he walked in, he was enveloped with cameras and just kept on trucking as if there were nothing odd about it.
I do have to reiterate that all of us there thought that he was just a really cool, witty and down to earth guy's guy. Even so, you just feel bad for the guy, because you feel like you are watching a gerbil trapped on that horrible wheel thing and there is no beer, only water that is dripping downward ever so slowly in that damn up side down bottle.
Although, my mother is now very pleased. Not one for celebrity sightings, it seems I destroyed her and her friend's crushes when I let loose that Adam Levine was my mother's size. No shit, one of her friend's called and yelled at me "You had no right to tell us that!" But now I am hated less now that I let them know that Nick Lachey is real life man sized, not just camera size.Nick was such a good sport and answered a ton of questions. So many so that he was late to his next radio appointment, Oops.
Nick grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and one of the girls asked what his favorite restaurant was.
He named some local haunt and to every one's surprise the girl squealed that her cousin owned that restaurant.
Nick took half a moment to answer, but his answer caused an audible gasp of air. He started to make a public complaint about the restaurant. He publicly promised to go there more often if they would change one item on the menu for him. It seems the restaurant has a margarita named after the woman that thought that buffalo wings came from actual buffaloes. If they would consider changing the margarita bearing the name Jessica Simpson, he promised that he would be more inclined to go there.
How the hell cute/awesome and bitter is that? Yea, he made me into a total fan at that very moment.
If that wasn't enough:
One of the girls had a box of Pringles with her, of his face! It seems that Pringles, my favorite chip, made a few or as it were several thousand boxes of Pringles with Nick Lachey's face on them. She presented him with this glorious box of Pringles with his face on them. Without missing a beat his reply was priceless, "Dude, these have GOT to be stale by now!"
But why don't you eat me and see for yourself, I promise to be fre...?'
Yea, you know what, that last sentence never even remotely happened, but woulda been high-5 awesome if it had??? Am I right?! I know, no one cares, moving on.....
Nick signing the Pringles box.
Tommy asked him if he had known about this Pringles and if he had ever eaten them. Again, priceless, "Yea, I knew they were out there. We even had a couple packs at the house, I just always felt weird about eating my own face." Seroiusly, that's a quote, I jacked a pen from the wait staff in order to write this shit down.
Pamela from Pamela's Punch and District Dish and our host Tommy McFly.
I am not sure what she asked because quite frankly it was 8 AM and I was off in the corner to busy drooling on myself to write down her question. I do remember turning to Wales and saying, "that was a rather smart question, do you remember what the hell she said?" Sorry Pamela, I did get the pic though!
So you've got all of the pics of what we were seeing, this is what you would see if you were Nick's perspective, only lower, closer and had good eyesight.
All of us blogger, media and PR girls are upstairs.
Griff Jenkins from Fox News Radio interviewing Nick.
Yada Yada, I know it's a bad picture, that's not the point. Do you see the huge mofo in the Redskins jersey? Yes, that one.
He was awesome. He was Nick's bodyguard or security, whatever, and you can laugh all you want, but after seeing some of those girls I'd have some security too. Some of those girls drove down from New Jersey! I'm complaining and I only drove 15 minutes at 8AM.
Any who, we couldn't figure out whether someone from Hard Rock, or his own website had asked this guy to take footage, but this guy got footage.
From what I saw, every one that morning was very respectful of Nick's space, except his own security guy. You all know the rules, how overtly big the guy is, is in direct inverse as to how much a cuddle bunny the guy is. Yea, I said it, the guy was a huge cuddle bunny. And he was jamming that camera right up into Nick's face the entire time of the playset and interview. It was slap your knee, try not to fart, funny. Wherever Nick was, there was Mr. Bus shoving the camera in is face and it did not faze Mr. Lacey one iota.
Lindley and Tommy.
At the end of our Nick Lachey extravaganza Tommy's friends were all given tee shirts that read, "I woke up with Nick Lachey." And they have Nick's face plastered on them so, I really can wake up nest to someone besides my dog. One can dream, anything is possible.
I loved the tee shirt so much I asled Tommy to sign mine too:
Well this is awkward...
I am not going to lie, we started out doing this as a photo op and then he kept on writing, and writing. After a while, I had to ask him if he was busy translating War and Peace into Swahili. Tommy actually wrote the funnest off the cuff reply, so much that I haven't washed the shirt yet.
"Love Ya,
Tommy McFly
The more I write, the longer I can touch your ass!"
That may not seem like a lot of writing but try writing that on a very ticklish, squeamish and bitter woman with a Sharpie.
Tommy's Angels.
Kim, Lindley, Pamela, Tommy, me, Seda and Jenn.
Thank you so much to Tommy for inviting me! I was so happy to be there for you and to support you! It was an amazing interview and set.
I think I can safely speak for almost all of us when I say we all had a blast, but we were there for you! One friend said it best when she said that she would only get up out of bed that earlier for you or for Journey. I concur!! Journey it is, next time!!
Though I was there for Tommy, only because I don't do mornings and I seriously doubt you do house calls, your off the cuff rendition of Superstition made me a believer and fan.
Thank you!
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