Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jeff Timmons visits Project Rise



-Project Rise-


Jeff Timmons was in Boston with us for the Plymouth Rox Concert. During his visit, Rob Dixon, (Executive Director) and Jeff Gulko (Director of Development), gave us a very eye opening tour and overview of the Project Rise program and facility. I’ve never seen a class full of children so focused on learning. In the middle of summer too. It’s amazing that a program like this that is so beneficial to Boston’s youth doesn’t get more publicity.


(Jeff Timmons, Malik Williams, Owen Yarde, Jeff Kalligheri, Louie Bello, Jeff Gulko, Rob Dixon)


Spearheaded by Executive Director, Rob Dixon

Project RISE was founded during the summer of 1993 as an experimental pilot program on the Thayer Academy campus in Braintree, MA. The Program focused on providing academic remediation in Mathematics, Language Arts, Multicultural history and Science to 18 sixth through eight grade academically high risk African American males in the Boston Public Schools.

The goal of the program was to motivate these students to believe they could succeed. In the effort to accomplish this goal, students were assigned to small classes and were given individualized and remedial instruction over a seven week period. In addition, students participated in cultural awareness classes to encourage them to appreciate their unique heritage. These classes, coupled with the concentration on academics, helped to raise the students self esteem. As a result, these students reentered their perspective schools in the fall of 1993 with improved attitudes about their culture and intellectual ability. This change in attitude positively impacted their academic performance. Learn More…. (